Korean Ambassador to India Kim Joong Keun on Friday said Posco was satisfied with the conditions laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) while according green signal to the project last month."Posco is satisfied with the conditions of the MoEF. I do not find any big problem for launching the project," Keun said at an interactive session organised by the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Kolkata.He said...
Powerless in Urjanchal by Samar Halarnkar
Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan wants it to be the new Singapore. State officials call it Urjanchal, land of energy. For sociologist Sakarama Somayaji, the enduring image from India’s emerging energy wonderland in Singrauli is the women who sell baskets of stones on the roadside. Individually or in groups, the women break stones, and sell them to passing trucks for R80-R90 a basket, a day’s labour. The women are...
More »After POSCO, Chiria, Jindal puts Jairam Ramesh on backfoot by Sreejiraj Eluvangal
After giving clearance to Chiria mines and Korean giant POSCO’s steel plant s on “developmental” grounds, the environment ministry under Jairam Ramesh has once again been pushed to the backfoot — this time by Congress Member of Parliament Naveen Jindal’s Jindal Steel & Power. The ministry on Monday announced it was withdrawing its earlier threat to withdraw environmental clearance to Jindal’s Rs25,000 crore steel and Power Plant in Angul, Orissa. The ministry...
More »State to submit report to MoEF on Posco before month-end
The Orissa government will submit its report to the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) on the issue of compliance with Forest Rights Act at the Posco site before the end of this month. “We will definitely submit the report to the MoEF before the end of this month. The SC & ST department has already reviewed the report which is currently under the scrutiny of the state forest &...
More »India: Environment under attack by Praful Bidwai
India’s rulers have found a new vocation – maligning environmentalists and questioning the very idea of regulating industry for pollution. Thus, faced with criticism of Lavasa, an artificial gated city of the super-rich near Pune, in which his family has invested crores, Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar, lashed out at well-known activist Medha Patkar and other “vested interests” for obstructing this “pioneering” project. Lavasa’s promoters built the project without seeking environmental clearance...
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