-The Indian Express On Tuesday morning, Lukumoni Orang gave birth to a baby boy. Less than 12 hours later, she was running through paddy fields, holding the infant close to her chest, chased by suspected NDFB(S) militants firing their AK-series weapons. A resident of Milanpur village, near Sonajuli-Phulbari, where the armed militants struck on Tuesday evening, Lukumoni is among the many Adivasis who have taken shelter at the Tinisuti Middle School, about...
Intelligence Bureau raises red flag on farmer suicides in its report to PMO -Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The Intelligence Bureau has termed loan waiver and Relief packages for distressed farmers as "short-term" measures and said the issue of farmer suicides needs a comprehensive solution. In a report to the Prime Minister's Office last week, the IB said farmer suicide is on a rise in Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka and Punjab. It also pointed to suicides by debt-ridden farmers in Gujarat, UP and Tamil Nadu...
More »Government taking 'speedy' measures to help farmers
-PTI NEW DELHI: Emphasising that ample credit to the tune of Rs 7 lakh crore flows in the agricultural sector every year, the government today said it is taking "speedy" measures to help farmers who are grappling with debt burden. "We will not let down our farmers," Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha told Lok Sabha during Question Hour. He said many steps have been taken to reduce debt burden as...
More »Cyclone Hudhud caused Rs 21,908 crore loss, agriculture sector worst hit: Andhra government
-DNA Hyderabad: The Hudhud cyclone that had hit Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh in October has caused a loss of Rs 21,908 crore, including damage to the tune of Rs 6,136 crore to private industries in the port city, the state government told the Legislative Assembly on Hyderabad. Making a statement on Hudhud today, Deputy Chief Minister N China Rajappa said the human loss in the devastating cyclone which made a landfall on...
More »Another 5,700 villages on Maharashtra’s drought list -Aparna Pallavi
-Down to Earth Twice as many villages as in 2012 affected this time More areas in Maharashtra are to be officially declared drought-affected. Another 5,700 villages are to be added to the list of drought-hit areas, taking the total number of villages which lost more than 50 per cent crops to around 24,000. This figure is twice the number of villages affected by the 2012 drought in the state. The findings have come...
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