-The Hindu Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh has written to the Madhya Pradesh government in support of tribal rights activist Madhuri Krishnaswamy, who was served an externment notice by the Barwani district administration a few days ago. In a letter written to Madhya Pradesh government, Mr. Ramesh has requested Chief Secretary R. Parsuram to look into the matter personally. “I don't know the lady or the organisation against whom the Barwani...
Rescinding Freedom via Ambedkar-Dhananjay Rai
Books, cartoons and judgments are being discussed thoroughly from highest bodies of liberal democracy like Parliament to constituents of public sphere i.e. print to media artefacts. Primarily, there are two standpoints regarding inclusion/exclusion of cartoons in NCERT Books (political science). Inclusionary argument is based on idea of deliverance of great service to B.R.Ambedkar while emphasising his teachings, ideas and place in the book. Exclusionary argument is based on cartoon itself...
More »Parliament clears bill against child abuse
-The Times of India The legislation to protect children below 18 years from sexual abuse became a reality on Tuesday with Lok Sabha passing the bill earlier cleared by Rajya Sabha. Parliament's nod came with the decision to keep the age of consent at 18 years despite opposition from child rights activists. The bill provides for special courts for speedy trial of cases and stringent punishment up to life term for the...
More »Govt defers bill easing divorce law
-The Times of India Under pressure from political parties and women's organizations, the government on Monday deferred passage of the bill that seeks to include "irretrievable breakdown of marriage'' among the reasons for divorce, along with other provisions, which the BJP has opposed on the ground that it could prove detrimental to women in the Indian social context. Law minister Salman Khurshid told Rajya Sabha said most of the concerns raised on...
More »Call to train doctors on domestic violence-Ananya Sengupta
A government panel has recommended that domestic violence should not be treated only as a matter of crime but also as a health issue and medical students should be sensitised to deal with it. The panel has suggested that the medical curriculum be tweaked to include ways in which doctors can address the problem of domestic violence if they suspect a woman patient is facing it at home. “We realised that the...
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