-The Hindu The figures do not include cases and deaths from Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Sikkim and Ladakh U.T. India registered 1,52,419 new COVID-19 cases on April 10. As many as 837 deaths were also recorded on the day. Daily infections in the country crossed the 1.25 lakh mark for the fourth consecutive day on April 10. The figures do not include cases and deaths from Ladakh U.T. as of 12.10 a.m. on April...
Assembly elections 2021: Voter turnout lower in 90% of seats compared to 2016 -Vignesh Radhakrishnan, Sumant Sen and Naresh Singaravelu
-The Hindu Despite the fall, 80%-plus voter turnout was recorded in more than 60% of the seats in Assam and Puducherry Compared to the 2016 Assembly election, turnout decreased in 90% of the 530 seats in the four States where voting for the 2021 State polls took place on April 6. Nearly 86% of seats in Tamil Nadu, 95% in Kerala, 90% in Assam, and all the seats in Puducherry recorded lower turnout...
More »Covid-19 lockdowns return, with a change: migrants are now mostly single, male -Karishma Mehrotra
-The Indian Express While there is no such official nationwide data, experts note that the migration back to workplaces since the end of the first lockdown has been increasingly single, male migration, leaving families behind. Ranchi: In February this year, Md Shabbir Ansari travelled with his family back home to Giridih, Jharkhand, and after dropping them, returned to Delhi to look for work. Fired from his job repairing cars in Ghaziabad, Ansari...
More »An effective migrant labour policy must consider where existing labour laws fail -Priya Deshingkar
-The Indian Express Niti Aayog’s draft policy is a good start which could, with a few adjustments, reduce the vulnerability and risks faced by labour migrants and ultimately build a more sustainable model of development. The Niti Aayog’s draft Migrant Labour Policy is a clear statement of intent to better recognise migrants’ contribution to the economy and support them in their endeavours. It puts forward several radical ideas, including the adoption of...
More »Healthcare needs a reform, spending boost -Shikha Dahiya and Aditi Pathak
-The Hindu Business Line Large inter-State variations in funding, shortcomings in quality of care and neglect of urban health continue to haunt the sector Since Independence, India has made some notable gains on the health front. For instance, life expectancy at birth has increased, infant mortality and crude death rates have fallen steeply, diseases such as smallpox, polio and guinea worm have been eradicated, and leprosy is on the verge of getting...
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