Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram is the nation's domestic security chief, overseeing a broad portfolio that includes battling a homegrown Maoist insurgency and routing out terrorists. The 65-year-old, a veteran of the ruling Congress Party who previously held senior economic posts and played a key role in the country's post-1991 liberalization, is considered a future contender for the post of prime minister. Recently, he spoke to The Wall Street Journal. Here...
Caste divide by S Dorairaj
Tensions run high within the Christian community in Thachur village, and the government has adopted a hands-off approach for now. THE wrinkles on S. Royappan's face are a result of advancing age, but the ridges and furrows in them tell a story of humiliation of this Dalit Christian, as also others like him. Royappan, 82, was a bonded labourer, or padiyaal, in Thachur village in Tamil Nadu's Kancheepuram district, but...
More »Posco forest act onus falls on Orissa govt
The Orissa government has to give an assurance that not a single person is entitled to benefits under the Forest Rights Act, according to one of the conditions set by the Union environment ministry while giving provisional clearance to the Posco project today. The condition has been imposed following allegations that claims under the Forest Rights Act had not been settled. The act deals with dependants on forests for livelihood. The project,...
More »Too Much Goodwill by Pragya Singh
NGOs To No Go’s * NGOs have mushroomed; so have instances of misappropriation of funds * Not disclosing expenditure and receipts; nor revealing who funds them * Not setting up NGO for the task it was funded for * Flocking to 'hot' topics, inviting accusations of singing to industrialists’ tunes * For every NGO supporting a cause, another springs up against that cause *** NGO numbers * 3.3 million Number of NGOs...
More »Citizen Journalist: the anti-corruption march by Priyanka Dube and Priyanka Gupta
On Mahatma Gandhi's martyrdom day citizen groups across India took out a march against Corruption. Several marches were held across several cities against corruption. People from all walks of life, of all age groups came out in the thousands to stand up against corruption. In Delhi, thousands of people walked through heart of the city from Ramlila Ground to Jantar Mantar under the banner of India Against Corruption, and raised slogan...
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