-The Hindu 6,494 children, 53 per cent of them girls, disappeared from January 1 to December 31, 2013 It has been a year and four months since her 13-year-old daughter Rosie went missing from their home in North-West Delhi and even today when Nasima Khatun recounts the tale her eyes well up. The girl was alone at home while her three siblings were at work and school that day, said Ms. Khatun, who...
MDG Report 2014: India among worst performers in poverty reduction, maternal death and sanitation -Moushumi Sharma
-Down to Earth Report shows good progress in areas like poverty alleviation and access to clean water and controlling diseases like TB, Malaria The United Nations (UN) released this week the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report, 2014. The report, launched by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, says that many of the development goals have been met or are within reach by 2015. The report is the latest finding to assess the regional progress towards...
More »Poverty ratio declines to 21.9 per cent
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Finance The Economic Survey 2013-14 presented by the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitely has asked policy makers to design and execute development strategies targeting the young population that was approximately 58 per cent in 2001 and will increase to more than 64 per cent in 2021. The Government has to take timely action to make people healthy, educated and adequately skilled. Social-sector expenditure Expenditure on social services...
More »Number of out-of-school kids shrinks by 45% -Pavan MV
-The Times of India BANGALORE: With 1.4 million kids not attending class, India may rank fourth globally on the number of out of school children (OOSC), but Karnataka's performance on that index has improved, if figures are an indication. The state's OOSC rate has come down by around 45% in a span of eight months. What's more heartening is that fewer girls are opting to drop out of schools. A 2013-14 survey...
More »On the mythology of social policy -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu India is among the world champions of social underspending. Without enlightened social policies, growth mania is unlikely to deliver more under the new government than it did under the previous one Few people today remember the letter written on August 7, 2013 by Mr. Narendra Modi, then Chief Minister of Gujarat, to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. In this letter, available on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) website, Mr. Modi criticised...
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