-NDTV Shares in DLF, India's biggest real estate developer, slumped to a low of Rs. 229.50 Monday, indicating an over 5 per cent cut from Friday's close. Last week, anti-corruption activists Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan had alleged that DLF had gifted Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, a 65-crore interest-free loan and sweetheart deals on a series of apartments in Gurgaon. DLF shares traded at the bottom of...
For a few dollars more -Dipankar Bhattacharyya
-The Hindustan Times The industries opened up to foreign investment in the past 20 days produce less than a tenth of India's national income. On the face of it, this number is too small to justify the opposition to foreign direct investment (FDI) in supermarkets, airlines, insurance and pensions. Or the government's resolve to open these businesses to foreigners with or without majority control. The picture changes when you see how fast...
More »Ethical Cleansing, Not Ritual Purity -Yogendra Yadav
-Outlook Arvind Kejriwal’s public rift with Anna must not distract us from the necessity of his political foray Anna Hazare may not be part of the proposed political party that is yet to emerge from the womb of what was an unprecedented movement against corruption. The questions he has raised, however, must be answered. Not just because they are his questions; he being the symbol of probity in public life. They need...
More »Politics aside, is Gujarat a great growth story?-Bibek Debroy
-The Economic Times A new book by Bibek Debroy on Gujarat looks at how this much-talked about state has performed in economic terms. The author argues history, luck and administrative clarity have been the determining factors. There has been a discernible pickup in Gujarat's growth performance since the 10th Plan (2002-07), the five-year Plans being natural periods for breaking up the timeline. It's tempting to argue that there is nothing exceptional in...
More »Rahul backs FDI in retail, says it will benefit farmers
-PTI Backing Centre's decision to allow FDI in multi-brand retail, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has said the decision will help farmers prosper by removing middlemen from the supply chain and generate new jobs. Addressing the national executive of Indian Youth Congress in Srinagar last night, Rahul said FDI in retail will help farmers store their produce safely for a longer duration, thus ensuring best value for their crops. The 42-year-old AICC general...
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