-Reuters India's top court imposed a fine of Rs 100 crore ($18.40 million) on Sterlite Industries for polluting environment through its copper smelting plant in Tamil Nadu. The case is unrelated to a separate order that has shut the Tuticorin plant, India's largest, since last week following complaints of a gas leak. Despite the fine, the Supreme Court overruled an earlier order from the Madras High Court to shut down the plant over...
SC orders Sterlite to pay Rs. 100 crore as relief
-PTI The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked Sterlite Industries, a subsidiary of U.K.-based Vedanta Group, to pay Rs. 100 crore as compensation for polluting environment through its copper smelting plant in Tamil Nadu but refused to direct its closure. A bench headed by Justice A.K. Patnaik said that the environment has been polluted for a long time due to the discharge from the plant of the multinational company and it has...
More »Trinamool has "conspired" to not hold rural polls, alleges Opposition-Ananya Dutta
-The Hindu The Trinamool Congress has "conspired" to ensure that the rural polls are not held in West Bengal by entering into a confrontation with the State Election that resulted in the latter moving court on the issue, alleged the Opposition parties here on Monday. "For a while, there were indications that the rural elections will not be held on time. The State government has played a distinctive role in plotting...
More »Tribal affairs ministry against MoEF move to dilute forest rights Act- Liz Mathew and Neha Sethi
-Live Mint MoEF notification on 5 February says linear projects such as roads, canals wouldn't require gram sabha consent A move by the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) to exempt promoters of so-called linear projects such as roads, pipelines and canals from seeking the consent of village councils in forest areas will likely be a non-starter unless the government moves to amend the forest rights Act (FRA). MoEF issued a notification on...
More »Hisar woman takes on molesters, beaten up -Bhaskar Mukherjee
-The Times of India HISAR: A 32-year-old woman was beaten up by four men for stopping them from molesting her niece in Hisar town. The victim, Rekha Rani, is admitted in the Hisar civil hospital with head injuries. The assault happened on Saturday night when Rani, a resident of Indra Nagar colony, was out with her two teenaged nieces to buy grocery. The victim in her complain said four men in two motorcycle...
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