-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday said that no person should be arrested for posting objectionable comments on social networking sites without permission of senior police officials. The SC has also directed all states and UTs to comply with Centre's advisory on arresting people for their comments on websites. The court on Wednesday had agreed to hear a plea seeking to restrain government authorities from taking any coercive...
Why Orissa mining may not go the Goa way -Meera Mohanty
-The Economic Times Three weeks ago, when the Supreme Court reopened the iron-ore mining door some more in Karnataka, miners in Orissa breathed a Rs 50,000 crore sigh of relief. Also in the dock for some offences of a similar nature, Orissa's iron-ore miners, who produce a third of this mineral that is critical to steel, had been dreading their fate, which lay in the hands of a Central government panel. The...
More »'RTE exclusion of minority schools needs review'-Bharath Joshi
-New Indian Express Bangalore: Child rights activists are fuming over the Department of Public Instruction's (DPI) recent clarification that no section of the Right to Education (RTE) Act applies to unaided minority schools, prompting a need to revisit the Supreme Court order of last April. After several ‘misinforming' statements by its own officials on various public platforms, the DPI, on April 24, clarified that "it would take no initiatives to enforce the...
More »Time to let the caged bird sing-Raju Ramachandran
-The Hindu In making a case for the investigative agency's autonomy, the Supreme Court is only stepping in where the executive has failed The proceedings in the Coalgate case earlier this week saw the Supreme Court asking the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) many uncomfortable questions. The Court also asked the government to tell it what steps it was going to take to enact a law to ensure the CBI's autonomy. The...
More »Police freedom
-The Hindu Business Line The Comptroller and Auditor General's suggestion that the CBI be given constitutional status similar to that of his own office is not without merit. Every now and then, the issue of freeing the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from the Government's clutches takes on a fresh urgency. The latter's response has been to wait till the fuss died down and eventually do nothing. There are no special reasons...
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