-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday arrested an Income Tax commissioner Daya Shankar in Mumbai for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 2 lakh from a private company for passing a favourable order in an appeal matter. "Shankar, commissioner IT (appeals), was arrested this morning from his office in Bandra for demanding and accepting bribe for settling and issuing a favourable order in an appeal matter...
In 8 yrs, Cong income up by seven times by Gopu Mohan
What can power do to a political party’s financial health? Quite a lot, it seems. An RTI query by a Chennai-based activist shows that the income of India’s longest-ruling national party, the Indian National Congress, increased from Rs 69.55 crore in 2002-03 to a whopping Rs 467.57 crore in 2010-11. Documents accessed by activist V Gopalakrishnan show that the jump is even more evident when figures from 2003-04 are compared with...
More »Builders start protest in Belapur for Anna, end at hypocrisy by Kishore Rathod
They may be the pillars of corruption in India, routinely demanding 50% of the payment in black, but the builder fraternity thinks nothing of coming out on the streets to join Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption. A delegation of more than 50 developers staged a morcha in Belapur under the banner of Maharashtrian Builders’ Association in Belapur, to voice their support for Anna. Barely a few hundred metres from the site of...
More »10 Most Corrupt Indian Politicians
-MensXP.com While everyone has been animatedly supporting Anna Hazare's fight against corruption, people seem to have forgotten who the people are who actually led to this situation. The peak of irony was when Anna was, allegedly, lodged in the same jail that housed the people who were responsible for two of the biggest scams in the country ever. How must the authorities have felt when they saw Raja and Kalmadi fill their...
More »RTI activist’s autopsy report: Injuries could be self-inflicted by Milind Ghatwai
Speculations were rife over the motive behind the killing of Shehla Masood. Even as her family demanded a CBI inquiry into the incident, the police said that they were exploring all angles, including suicide. The activist’s body was found on Tuesday in her car, parked in front of her house in Koh-e-fiza locality, hours before she was to lead a campaign in support of Anna Hazare. There were no eyewitnesses and...
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