-The News Minute Maharashtra's Women and Child Development Minister Pankaja Munde on Wednesday was embroiled in a controversy involving alleged irregularities in awarding contracts worth Rs 206 crore and the opposition demanded a probe. Among the allegations are irregularities in awarding contracts for workbooks for students, water filters, growth monitoring machines for malnourished kids, medicines and chikkis (sweet cookies with nuts and dryfruits in a jaggery base) earlier this year. Munde, however, rubbished...
In a first, Solapur decides to give up on sugarcane cultivation -Ketaki Ghoge
-Hindustan Times mumbai: For a state considered the sugar bowl of the country and home to generations of politically heavyweight co-operative doyens, this is a sign of changing times. The drought-prone Solapur district in western Maharashtra, which has the highest number of sugar factories in the state (33), has finally decided to put a stop to cultivation of the water-guzzling sugarcane crop, with its collector saying the area under cultivation for the...
More »Who said inflation is down? -Rajalakshmi Nirmal
-The Hindu Business Line Though the overall price trend is declining, for many items of daily consumption, especially food, it has risen Wholesale and consumer price indices are trending lower, but this has not brought relief to the common man. In May, the wholesale price index recorded negative growth for the seventh consecutive month. The consumer price index edged marginally higher in May to 5.01 per cent, from 4.87 per cent a...
More »Is polio back? UP samples ring alarm bells -Mrigank Tiwari
-The Times of India BAREILLY: A mere year after the country was declared polio free, more than 200 samples have tested positive to polio-like symptoms from tehsils here, sending alarm bells ringing in the health department. The samples, from Baheri, Meergunj, Faridpur and Nawabgunj among other tehsils, have been sent to the central laboratory in mumbai for further testing. Officials have also been informed that the children, between the ages of 5...
More »Vegetable prices on the boil -Dilip Kumar Jha
-Business Standard Expected delay in harvesting might keep commodities elevated for a month mumbai: While the wholesale price index (WPI) might have turned negative primarily due to a steep decline in the prices of non-food articles, rising vegetable prices kept food articles firm in May. While drumstick prices showed a sharp rise of 130 per cent, articles of mass consumption such as brinjal, cabbage, bitter gourd and cauliflower recorded an upswing of 50...
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