-Outlook Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today launched Rajiv Gandhi Ann Yojana under the Food Security Scheme in the state. Of the state's 68 lakh population, about 37 lakh would be benefited by the scheme, Singh said after handing over ration bags to 104-year-old Mast Ram and Vidya Devi (70) of Sunni area of the district at a function at Ridge maidan here. Beneficiaries under the scheme would get three kgs...
Financial and Distributional Implications of the Food Security Law-Prachi Mishra
-Economic and Political Weekly The financial implications of the National Food Security Bill, which has now become law, are going to be huge. This analysis points out that one needs to take into account not only the cost of the food subsidy but also the costs of setting up or running new institutions and bureaucracies, and the costs that are likely to arise if there are political pressures to protect the...
More »Nitish in Delhi with Rs 12000-cr demand
-The Telegraph New Delhi/Patna: Chief minister Nitish Kumar today landed in the national capital with a demand of a relief package of Rs 12,000 crore from the Centre. A day after declaring 33 of Bihar's 38 districts as drought-hit, Nitish, who met finance minister P. Chidambaram and agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, said the state's agrarian economy was totally paralysed because of the acute rainfall deficiency during the kharif season. Nitish requested Chidambaram to...
More »Manmade famine kills mother, child -Vishvendu Jaipuriar
-The Telegraph Hazaribagh: A 40-year-old mother of two died of starvation at Hazaribagh Sadar Hospital this morning, two days after her daughter died of the same reason at their village home 7km from district headquarters, in a country where National Food Security Bill, 2013, received Presidential assent on September 10. Despite so-called safety nets - existing flagship welfare provisions such as BPL card, MGNREGS and a host of other subsidy, pension, assistance,...
More »February clock ticks on Aadhaar
-The Telegraph Kolkata: The state government today set February 28 as the deadline for distributing Aadhaar cards among all Bengal residents, prompting many to wonder about the feasibility of covering over six crore people in little over five-and-a-half months. Providing Aadhaar numbers to all citizens above the age of five is the precursor to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's dream project of rolling out a direct benefit-transfer scheme, replacing the leak-prone subsidy system. The...
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