-PTI/ The Hindu As per the latest figure, there are 40.05 crore beneficiaries of this scheme and deposits in Jan Dhan Bank accounts are in excess of ₹1.30 lakh crore. More than 40 crore Bank accounts have been opened under the government’s flagship financial inclusion drive Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), launched about six years ago by the Modi-government. As per the latest figure, there are 40.05 crore beneficiaries of this scheme...
Amid Corona, Multi-Crore NREGA Scam Unearthed in Gujarat Village: Jignesh Mevani
-PTI/ Newsclick.in Bank accounts opened in the name of around 500 villagers without their knowledge for money transfer under rural job scheme, says Vadgam MLA. Ahmedabad: Gujarat MLA and social activist Jignesh Mevani on Saturday alleged that a multi-crore scam had surfaced in a village in Banaskantha district of the state, in which Bank accounts were opened in the name of around 500 villagers without their knowledge for transfer of money under...
More »How True Is Modi's Claim That His Decisions Saved India From the Worst of COVID-19? -Vasudevan Mukunth
-TheWire.in Prime Minister Modi uses only the visible – the hardware – to claim India is 'better off because of right decisions at the right time', even though the claim isn't even true. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s claim on July 27 that India “is in a better position than other countries” even as a slew of successive lockdowns fattened the COVID-19 case-load curve instead of flattening it, reflects his tendency to make...
More »The COVID-19 fiscal response and India’s standing -Amit Basole and Jonathan Coutinho
-The Hindu The relief measures do not seem to be commensurate with the economic disruption caused by the lockdown How does India compare in the quantity and quality of its COVID-19 response to other developing countries? Here we extend our earlier analysis of India’s fiscal response (The Hindu online, “India must enhance fiscal support for COVID-19 relief and rebuilding”, April 18, 2020) drawing on the International Monetary Fund Policy Tracker, the COVID-19...
More »How farms across India are Banking on native grains and hope to reap a good harvest -Sangeetha Devi Dundoo
-The Hindu Bolstered by the timely South-West monsoon and a steady demand for native produce, the farming community is looking forward to the sowing season We have had the wettest June in 12 years, according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Statistics released by the IMD show that India recorded 118% of the Long Period Average rainfall in June 2020, which is considered excess. These copious showers brought cheer to the farming community,...
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