-The Hindu The new Constitution Bench will sit for the first time on October 14. Over 60 years after an eight-judge Bench declared that Right to Privacy is not a fundamental right, the Supreme Court on Thursday decided to set up another Constitution Bench to re-look the question in the light of raging controversy that the Aadhaar card scheme is an invasion into citizen's privacy. In 1954, the Supreme Court Bench led by...
Unearthing the loopholes in Modi government's Soil Health Card scheme -Jyotika Sood
-DNA The Modi government’s soil-testing scheme doesn’t address the causes of agrarian distress In February this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched an ambitious Rs568 crore Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme. The objective of the three-year scheme is to issue soil health cards to 14 crore farmers spread across India. The cards will be given out after determining the quality of soil, identifying its macro- and micronutrients as well as its...
More »SC refuses to modify order limiting role of Aadhaar -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a big setback to the Centre, the Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to give a ruling on the Narendra Modi government's high-pitched and public interest-laced plea to allow citizens to voluntarily use Aadhaar cards to avail benefits under all social welfare schemes. This means, the apex court's August 11 interim order limiting the use of Aadhaar cards to access subsidy on LPG cylinders and ration...
More »Centre for all-round use of Aadhaar card -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre on Tuesday came to the Supreme Court along with several important organizations and made an impassioned plea for permitting voluntary use of Aadhaar cards held by 90 crore citizens to accurately identify beneficiaries for welfare schemes. They wanted modification of the SC's August 11 interim order limiting the use of Aadhaar card only for LPG subsidy and ration through public distribution system. A bench...
More »Cut in RKVY Funds to Hit Agriculture Sector Hard
-The New Indian Express BHUBANESWAR: Implementation of several schemes including Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY) in the farm sector will be affected because of the drastic cut in Central allocations. Other programmes to be hit by the Central decision include Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP), National Food Security Mission (NFSM), National Horticulture Mission (NHM) and Sub-Mission for Seed and Planting Material (SMSP). Sources said the State Government will continue to implement the programmes...
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