-The Times of India Over two crore households have been denied work under the fund-starved rural job guarantee scheme in the past eight months. This is a direct result of the deep cuts in funding of the scheme and various other changes initiated by the Modi government. With the employment situation still dire and the new government's long-term efforts to catalyze industrial growth still on the drawing board, the failure of...
Is Jan Dhan really a success? -Surabhi Agarwal
-Business Standard Government's financial inclusion mission is well intentioned, but it may be putting a severe strain on the banking sector Sometime in August, a rumour went around a small village near Alwar in Rajasthan and in some other parts of the country: "Sarkar jo kala dhan wapas layegi, woh Jan Dhan yojana ke khaato mein baanta jayega" (When the government brings back black money, it will be distributed among Jan Dhan...
More »Creating 'Good Jobs': Assessing the Labour Market Regulation Debate -Radhika Kapoor
-Economic and Political Weekly The current regime seeks to reform labour laws with the understanding that these reforms will improve industrial growth and expand the possibilities of enterprise. However, there is already ample evidence from within India that this obsession with reforming labour law, particularly in the way the government has done it till now, will not take us any closer in creating more jobs or a healthy industrial sector. These...
More »No protection for migrants in new labour laws
In the midst of national debates over the need for labour laws reforms and the efficacy of MG-NREGA in checking distress migration, a new report brings spotlight on the miserable living and working conditions of unorganized migrant workers from Rajasthan. Titled Their Own Country: A Profile of Labor Migration from Rajasthan, the report prepared jointly by Aajeevika Bureau and UNESCO informs us that 70% of seasonal migrant workers from Rajasthan...
More »Minister: Govt. won’t restrict MGNREGA to a few blocks -Anumeha Yadav
-The Hindu "Rs. 40,000-crore component is for the whole country" The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is not going to restrict the implementation of MGNREGA to a few pocket of the country, the new Minister for Rural Development Chaudhary Birendra Singh, said on Tuesday. Mr. Singh was responding to questions over whether the government was planning to restrict the scheme's implementation to only tribal and poor areas - 2500 blocks of all States -...
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