-The Hindu This was informed to the High Court in a case of free treatment to a minor Delhi is the highest spender on public health in the country, the Delhi Government has claimed before the Delhi High Court. The assertion was been made by its Directorate of Health and Family Welfare during the hearing of a petition about free treatment to a minor. The government said it is spending four times on...
An inclusive growth policy-Amaresh Dubey and Reeve Vanneman
-The Hindu The impressive gain by rural households in spite of the favouritism towards non-primary activities appears real The Indian economy has moved on a high growth path since the mid-1980s. After a blip in growth between 1990-92, liberalisation, initiated for aligning the Indian economy with the world in 1991, not only put the economy back on a higher growth path but also sustained this growth till the 2000s. During the last...
More »36 Per Cent Delhi Kids Malnourished: Report
-IANS About 36 percent of the children in Delhi are malnourished with a nutritional scheme targetted at the 0-6 age-group reaching only 30 percent of the intended beneficiaries, a report released Wednesday said. At 38 percent, the malnutritional rate is higher among girls than boys (34 percent). This means that four out of every 10 children in Delhi are malnourished. And, while the coverage of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme is already...
More »India ranks 102nd among 132 countries in Social Progress Index 2014
-SocialProgressImperative.org The 2014 Social Progress Index reveals striking differences across countries in their social performance, highlights the very different strengths and weaknesses of individual countries, and provides concrete guidance for national policy agendas. The Index is the sum of three dimensions: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity. Each dimension is made up of four equally weighted individual components scored on an objective scale from 0-100. This scale is determined by...
More »Climate change impacting entire planet, raising risk of hunger, floods, conflict –UN report
-The United Nations The effects of climate change are already occurring in all continents and across the oceans, and the world, for the most part, is ill-prepared for their risks, says a United Nations report issued today, which also warns that while action can be taken, managing the phenomenon's impacts will be difficult on a rapidly warming planet. The report, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, from Working Group II of...
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