-The Indian Express Delhi Metro fare hike: Amid opposition from the Delhi government, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on Tuesday went ahead with the fare hike as recommended by the fourth Fare Fixation Committee. New Delhi: On Tuesday morning, 28-year-old Abdul Wajid — a labourer working at a cardboard boxes factory in Naraina — did not take the Metro to work. Nor did 35-year-old Brijmohan Tiwari, a security guard who lives...
A full-blown agrarian crisis? -Devinder Sharma
-DNA India India is frittering away gains of the Green Revolution and fast turning into a net food importer In 2015-16, India imported Rs 1,402,680,000,000 or 1.40 lakh crore worth of agricultural commodities. This was more than three times the annual budgetary allocation for domestic agriculture. Well, if you think the increasing reliance on food imports in one year — 2015-16 — is merely an aberration, hold your breath. According to commodity...
More »Is the Government Planning to Dismantle the ICDS Programme? -Rashme Sehgal
-TheWire.in ICDS plays a vital role in a country which is home to 190 million undernourished people – the highest in the world. Is the government of India planning to dismantle the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, the world’s largest food security project? The ICDS is a unique outreach programme to meet the nutritional needs of ten crore Indian children under the age of six and to improve the nutrition levels of...
More »Sophisticated Aadhaar-related bank fraud has left police in Delhi and Noida baffled -Abhishek Dey
-Scroll.in The con involves the fraudulent withdrawal of money from bank accounts of victims with the help of a SIM card, Aadhaar and the United Payments Interface. The police in Delhi and the neighbouring township of Noida are investigating several complaints of fraud in which money was suspected to be siphoned out of bank accounts of victims with the help of a Unified Payment Interface-supported application linked to Aadhaar, the 12-digit biometrically...
More »India slammed for slavery, we need to counter: IB to Govt -Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express It underlined that the US government funded the 2017 report which estimated 40 million slaves in the world, including 25 million in the Asia-Pacific. WARNING that “global documentation on slavery is increasingly targeting India as home to the highest number of slaves in the world,” the Intelligence Bureau in a “secret” note has recommended a strong campaign to “discredit” the information and a diplomatic offensive against it. The Bureau submitted...
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