-PTI SBI Chairman said there are around 90 crore debit cards in the country as against 3 crore credit cards, and pointed out to digital solutions like its own 'Yono' platform as the key for achieving a debit card-less country. Mumbai: If the largest lender SBI has its way, it may herald the beginning of the end of the ubiquitous debt cards from the banking system as the bank plans to promote...
Is India headed for its worst growth recession in a decade? -Niranjan Rajadhyaksha
-Livemint.com It is risky at this juncture to bet merely on a natural recovery. Even so, using monetary policy is the best option right now Much of the debate in recent months has been focused on the sharp loss of economic momentum in India. The big question is whether the ongoing slowdown is structural or cyclical. The usual thumb rule is that the policy response to a structural slowdown is through economic reforms...
More »The Modi government is facing a serious cash crunch -- thanks to GST -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in More than a tenth of GDP is provided by government expenditure. This is (more) bad news for the Indian economy. In 1773, the British Parliament passed the Regulating Act, appointing a governor general to oversee all of British India. This law marked the beginnings of the Central government of the British Raj, the single most significant institution to shape the Indian subcontinent for the next two centuries. It continues till today...
More »PM Modi is Worried About Population Explosion, a Problem Set to Go Away in 2021 -Saurabh Rai and M Sivakami
-TheWire.in Instead, we should focus on why population control efforts have mostly translated to controlling women's, and not men's, fertility. In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear that the government considers population explosion to be in the way of India’s development. This isn’t the first time in the history of independent India when a government has tried to control the population. A similar fear led to the...
More »Population explosion is a bogey the government should ignore
-The Financial Express The prime minister, in his Independence Day speech, flagged “population explosion” as a problem and talked of the need to counter it. It is surprising that the government has missed the message on the declining trend in fertility in the country and is gearing up to fight yesterday’s problem. The proponents of population regulation raise the bogey of the absolute population level already being too high and the...
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