The Tamil Nadu government on Friday decided to implement immediately a slew of measures to rein in the spiralling prices of essential commodities and vegetables. A large number of sales counters will be opened in chennai and other Corporation areas to sell vegetables. Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, who chaired a meeting to discuss ways to control price rise, directed officials to start 25 new Uzhavar Sandhais. The State government will write to...
Wiebe E. Bijker, Professor, Faculty of Arts and Culture, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands interviewed by R Prasad
Genuine fear of genetically modified (GM) crops arising from relatively less studied science combined with the fear of the unknown and lack of transparency of the companies dealing with GM crops made most governments and their citizens in Europe and other countries oppose the technology. Fearing that nanotechnology, another promising technology, may face the same fate, the U.K. Royal Society had published a detailed report on nanotechnology in 2004. The report, made...
More »Industry warns of job and capital flight by GS Radhakrishna
Further political unrest in Andhra Pradesh may lead to jobs and investment being moved out of the state, industry bodies have warned amid the Telangana tension. “The politicians should realise that companies have the option to move jobs elsewhere,” Som Mittal, president of software industry body Nasscom, said at the weekend. He cited how jobs were moved out of Visakhapatnam to chennai and Pune because of the counter-Telangana protests in 2009. “We have...
More »A Fable For The Cola-Wallahs by Saba Naqvi and Debarshi Dasgupta
In post-globalisation India, middle-class heroes are usually entrepreneurs who make a fast buck, stars that glitter brightly and talk glibly, cricketers who hit the ball hard. In an aspirational world of consumer goods, fine dining and malls, values such as service, integrity, simplicity are becoming rare. Perhaps that is why the story of Binayak Sen, the skilled doctor who turned his back on material success to work among the poor...
More »Onion raids, from Delhi to Calcutta
Onion hubs were raided across the country today and officials claimed prices tumbled Rs 5-10 as a result of the income-tax department’s action a day after the Centre urged states to counter hoarding. Calcutta’s Sealdah wholesale mart and Asansol were among the places in Bengal that saw the swoops. Similar action was seen in several towns in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee had written to...
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