-The Hindu The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana to provide health insurance cover is likely to be extended to more people among the vulnerable sections. This was decided at a Union Cabinet meeting, which reviewed the scheme on Thursday. The scheme has already been extended to MGNREGS beneficiaries, street vendors, Domestic Workers, beedi workers and those working at building and construction sites. “The scheme has been extended to a few segments of unorganised workers....
India leads the world in recognising the right to food, says Joseph Stiglitz by Ananya Dutta
Pointing out that nearly one out of seven Americans face food insecurity, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz said here on Thursday that by recognising the right to food as a basic human right, India is leading the way for the rest of the world. “India has recognised the right to food as a basic human right, leading the way for the rest of the world, and is on the verge of a...
More »AIDS agency orders cheap drug by Ankur Paliwal
Stavudine disfigures, affects peripheral nervous system permanently THE National AIDS Control Organisation in November procured in bulk anti-HIV drug stavudine, which is being phased out worldwide. NACO officials unofficially cite funds crunch for depending on the low-cost drug. Stavudine requires less monitoring of patients, they say. NACO provides free treatment to HIV/AIDS patients in the country. In 2010, the WHO had revised its HIV/AIDS treatment protocol and recommended countries to phase out...
More »Govt may bring multiple covers under one policy by Vrishti Beniwal
Single-premium plan likely to be only for women initially; Centre, states to share premium for economically weaker sections. Customers may soon get health, insurance and pension covers, as well as a scholarship for their daughter’s school education under one policy. The single-premium policy, which the finance ministry is considering, is likely to be available only for women in the first phase. The premium will be shared by the Centre and the state...
More »Safal shows the way by Latha Jishnu & Jyotika Sood
Mother Dairy’s retail model helps farmers but is under pressure from chains Call it the Safal model. For close to 25 years, a large chunk of households in the National Capital Region have had access to fresh fruits and vegetables at affordable prices—at rates much lower than what the local vegetable and fruits market or the handcart vendor would charge. This was made possible by standing the concept of buying on...
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