-Down to Earth THRice GoI has returned Punjab’s proposal of giving Rs 2,500 per acre to small, marginal farmers even as they demand Rs 6,000 per acre As many as 361,850 small and marginal farmers in Punjab did not receive state incentives for stubble management in the last one year due to paucity of funds. The northern state’s request for financial stimulus to pay this incentive was turned down by the...
Centre Exempts Certain Mining Projects From Public Hearings -Ayaskant Das
-Newsclick.in The new policy is skewed in favour of the mining industry as mineral-rich areas are populated by the most disadvantaged communities. New Delhi: In a move that could help enrich corporate entities at the cost of some of the most disadvantaged communities of the country, the Narendra Modi government has introduced a policy whereby public hearings will no longer be conducted for certain mining activities. According to a circular issued by the...
More »A reminder that India still trails in the hunger fight -Dipa Sinha
-The Hindu The Government’s objection to the methodology of the Global Hunger Index is not based on facts The Global Hunger Report (GHR) has once again made headlines in India for the country’s poor ranking in terms of the Global Hunger Index (GHI). The report ranks India at 101 out of 116 countries, with the country falling in the category of having a ‘serious’ hunger situation. The ranks are not comparable across...
More »Under Modi, Tax Burden has Shifted from Corporates to People -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in And, dipping customs collections show easing of imports, which is destroying Indian producers. It was once famously said that the executive (government) is nothing but a committee to manage the affairs of the ruling class in any society. The Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party government is a fine example of this truth. The open and brazen way in which it has worked to the advantage of India’s powerful corporate sector has...
More »Jaideep Hardikar gives an intimate account of India’s farm crisis -Manu Moudgil
-The Tribune A farmer ends his life every 30 minutes in India. There are some who don’t end up in this pile of statistics and are saved THRough timely action of family and friends. Ramrao Panchleniwar, a cotton grower in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha region, is one such survivor. He wished to drown his financial worries in two bottles of insecticide in 2014. In this book titled after him, Ramrao’s life and near-death...
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