The retail prices of onions and tomato largely remained unchanged on Saturday although the price of garlic fell by up to Rs. 40 a kg, thanks to better supplies. It is expected that the availability of these essential items will improve in three weeks when the late kharif crop arrives in the market. According to reports from the four metros, onion prices remained stable at Rs. 50-60 a kg, while tomato...
Left to intensify agitation against telecom scam by Sandeep Dikshit
Gurudas Dasgupta wrote to Prime Minister in 2008 “Manmohan did not act on Sudhakar Reddy's letter too” The Left parties will join hands with secular parties to turn up the heat on the government on the 2G spectrum controversy, Communist Party of India national secretary Amarjeet Kaur said on Sunday. “The Left parties have decided to further intensify the agitation against the telecom scam by holding major rallies in at least six metros,”...
More »Child rights panel to conduct social monitoring of RTE by Aarti Dhar
Mandated to monitor the implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights is planning social monitoring of the historic law that guarantees elementary education to children in the age group of 6-14. This is the first time that the law separates the implementing agency from the monitoring one. The basic premise of social monitoring is public participation in...
More »Onions to sting till March by Zia Haq
Retail prices of onions continued to remain high on Tuesday even as a ban on exports led to a 30% fall in wholesale rates. The government, however, cautioned that retail prices would fall from current exorbitant levels (of Rs 75-80 per kg) only after three weeks. But prices are expected to return to the last month's reasonable levels (Rs 20-25 per kg) across the country only in March, when the...
More »CBI grills Radia, ‘lobbyist didn’t reveal much’
Lobbyist Niira Radia , who’s in the eye of major storm over her taped telephonic conversations with a wide variety of people, including politicians, corporates and journalists, was on Tuesday grilled by the CBI over her alleged involvement in swinging commercial deals which smacked of a quid pro quo. A three-member CBI team subjected Radia to an intense questioning at her Chhatarpur farmhouse in south Delhi this morning. The interrogation, which...
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