-The Hindustan Times BJP president Nitin Gadkari on Thursday sent a legal notice to India Against Corruption (IAC) activist Anjali Damania, for alleging he had tried to cover up the irrigation scam in Maharashtra when she approached him. Gadkari has demanded an apology from her. The IAC, however, defended Daminia with Arvind Kejriwal posing four questions to Gadkari over his alleged proximity to NCP chief and union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar. In his...
Singh’s Homespun Plea for Liberalizing India -Chandrahas Choudhury
-Bloomberg It wasn't the Gettsyburg Address -- unless it's poker faces we're comparing. Future historians aren't going to be parsing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's speech for hidden meanings, and rhetoricians won't be delighting in the majesty of its style and the compression of its effects. It inflamed no passions, as did Mitt Romney's words about the "47 percent," and asserted no big idea or thesis, unless there was one contained in the...
More »State, private property and the Supreme Court -Namita Wahi
-Frontline Reinstatement of the fundamental right to property in the Constitution will on its own do little to protect the interests of poor peasants and traditional communities. The Indian Constitution adopted in 1950 guaranteed a set of fundamental rights that cannot be abridged by Central or State laws. One of these fundamental rights was the right to property enshrined in Articles 19(1)(f) and 31. Article 19(1)(f) guaranteed to all citizens the right...
More »'Crony capitalism' to be out of plan docu? -Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India The Planning Commission may drop reference to crony capitalism in the plan document after protests from some ministers who are of the view that any mention would be a tacit acknowledgment of the existence of the practice. Besides, it has suggested "transparent auction" of natural resources as the solution, something that the government is not willing to accept as the one-size-fits-all approach for all sectors. Apart from crony capitalism,...
More »A risky strategy, born of panic -Siddharth Varadarajan
-The Hindu Building ‘capitalism with Indian characteristics’ means decisions cannot ignore concerns of voters and communities As the economy slows down and the rupee wilts, Manmohan Singh has bitten the ‘reforms’ bullet with both eyes on the credit rating agencies whose negative reports have done much to dampen the ‘animal spirits’ of investors, foreign and native. Last November, when the Congress party made a push to introduce foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail,...
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