-PTI Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal on Monday got support from Press Council chief, Justice Markandey Katju, who said that he favoured filtering of “offensive material” on social networking sites as it could promote religious hatred. “The pictures and other content show religious figures of certain communities in a highly offensive and even pornographic manner. Such material is bound to create religious hatred and lead to most undesirable consequences,” the former Supreme Court...
India ready to block any move to put farm tariffs at WTO meet by Amiti Sen
India will resist any attempt by developed countries to take away the right of World Trade Organisation (WTO)-member nations to restrict export of food items and raise import tariffs beyond existing levels. Trade ministers of WTO-member countries are meeting in Geneva on Thursday to try and identify issues that can be discussed till the US presidential elections are over next year. The meeting is also likely to take up proposals to "cherry-pick"...
More »Katju wants ‘more teeth' for PCI
-PTI Press Council of India Chairman Justice Markandey Katju has sought “more teeth” for the regulatory body and expansion of its ambit over the electronic media and the Internet for which, he suggested, a legislation should be introduced in Parliament. In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, now made public under the RTI Act, Justice Katju said the only power conferred on the Press Council under Section 14(1) of the Act...
More »Supreme Court will not interfere with orders of acquittal by J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court has held that it would not, under normal circumstances, interfere with judgments of acquittal in criminal cases, as these had the obvious trait of Freedom having been granted to the citizen. A Bench of Justices Swatanter Kumar and Ranjana Desai said: “Unless the judgement in appeal is contrary to evidence, palpably erroneous, or a view which could not have been taken by the court of competent jurisdiction keeping...
More »CPI criticises move to ‘censor' online content
-The Hindu The Communist Party of India has criticised the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for proposing to impose curbs on Freedom of expression claiming the proposed curbs, though indirect, on social networking sites were a blot on the country's image. The defence of Union Communications Minister Kapil Sibal did not hold ground in that there were several laws to punish people spreading communal and anti-national messages through any medium, CPI deputy...
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