-PTI Asian Games gold medallist Pinki Pramanik, who on Wednesday walked out of jail after spending 26 days in custody on charges of rape, alleged that police had tied her hands and legs and forcibly conducted the Gender determination test on her. The retired middle-distance runner, who was released from the Dum Dum Central Jail after a Barasat court gave her bail on Tuesday, said she kept on crying and resisted the...
Pinki Pramanik ‘incapable of rape’, gets bail
-The Times of India After spending 25 days behind bars on charges of raping her live-in girlfriend, athlete Pinki Pramanik was granted bail on Tuesday. The judge virtually exonerated the Asiad gold medallist by saying that preliminary medical reports make it clear Pinki is "not capable of committing rape". There was much drama both inside the courtroom and outside. Athlete and former CPM MP Jyotirmoyee Sikdar led a huge crowd at the...
More »Rape charge: Pinki Pramanik gets bail after 25 days in custody
-The Indian Express Asian Games gold medalist Pinki Pramanik, arrested after a woman charged that the athlete was a male and had raped her, was granted bail by a court in North 24 Parganas district after spending 25 days in judicial custody on Tuesday. The bail was granted by the Barasat court to Pramanik, whose chromosome pattern test report to determine her Gender was received by the SSKM Hospital on Monday. Pramanik was arrested on...
More »UN-backed commission finds that punitive laws stifling global AIDS response
-The United Nations Punitive laws and human rights abuses are costing lives, wasting money and stifling the global AIDS response, according to a report released today by a United Nations-backed commission. Entitled HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health, the report by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law – made up of former heads of state and leading legal, human rights and HIV experts, and supported by the UN...
More »FAO releases new State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report
-FAO Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture play a crucial role in food and nutrition security and in providing for the livelihoods of millions of people. FAO's latest flagship publication on the state of fisheries and aquaculture, launched at the opening of the 30th session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries, highlights the sector's vital contribution to the world's well-being and prosperity, a point reflected in the recent Rio+20 Outcome Document. The State of...
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