-The Hindu Over 260 houses torched, police arrest 90 persons Three colonies of Dalits (of the Adi-Dravida community) near Naikkankottai in Dharmapuri district of western Tamil Nadu remained benumbed on Thursday by the fury unleashed on them by a rampaging mob of caste Hindus on Wednesday. As many as 268 dwellings – huts, tiled-roof and one or two-room concrete houses–were torched by the mob after a caste Hindu man, Nagarajan, committed suicide over...
Harassment shackles women-Bindu Shajan Perappadan
-The Hindu In the second part of personal accounts on street harassment and violence in the Capital, The Hindu’s Bindu Shajan Perappadan explains why she doesn’t call the police for help.... It last happened over a fortnight ago during a routine round of Central Government offices at New Delhi’s Shastri Bhavan. A man brushed against me, pretended to look surprised when I protested, and then sniggered as I walked away. Perhaps I...
More »There is little on their plates
-The Hindustan Times In a report released in October, the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Oraganisation (FAO), which leads international efforts to defeat hunger, said that economic growth is not enough to reduce hunger and malnutrition. To beat the twin menace, it added, a country needs nutrition-sensitive agriculture, social protection and purposeful and decisive public policies. Both statements hold true for India. But the unfortunate part is that while the country has been...
More »LPG price hike, rollback within hours
-The Times of India Within hours of raising cooking gas prices, the government late on Thursday asked oil marketing companies to put on hold the Rs 26.50 hike, calling into question the seriousness of the deregulation plan and casting a doubt over the UPA's commitment to fiscal reforms. The U-turn came after a volley of protests by the opposition and days before Himachal Pradesh goes to polls, with Gujarat elections to follow....
More »Oil minister drills holes into Kejriwal’s charges
-The Times of India A day after India Against Corruption (IAC) charged the government with selling out to Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) on the company's KG-D6 gas field off the Andhra coast, the oil ministry on Thursday hit back by describing the allegations as "baseless and frivolous". In a point-wise rebuttal to IAC charges, a ministry statement — issued after former oil minister Mani Shankar Aiyar met incumbent Veerappa Moily for over...
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