-The Hindu A day after getting relief from the Madras High Court, environmental group Greenpeace India on Thursday withdrew its writ petition in the Delhi High Court challenging suspension of its registration under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and freezing of five bank accounts. The Madras High Court had on Wednesday granted an interim stay for eight weeks on the Ministry of Home Affairs order of September 2 cancelling the non-government...
Small leap forward in child health -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu While the Rapid Survey on Children points to substantial progress in fields that have become a focus of serious action, such as safe delivery, it also highlights the penalties of inaction in other fields The recent release of summary findings from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC) has generated remarkably little interest in the mainstream media. The main focus of attention so far has been the indifferent performance of Gujarat...
More »Kerala goes organic -Nisha Ponthathil
-Tehelka Tired of importing toxic vegetables from Tamil Nadu, Kerala seems to have started a movement in organic vegetable farming It seems vegetables have taken over from water in the ongoing rift between the south Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Having waged a relentless war over the sharing of water from the colonial Mullaperiyar dam for over three decades, the two states have now locked horns over the quality...
More »Old problems mar a new solution -Chitrangada Choudhury
-The Hindu District Mineral Foundations were set up to protect the interests of Adivasi communities who have borne the costs of mining. But they are flawed in their current form Through 2011-13, dogged investigators from the Justice M. B. Shah Commission on illegal mining toured the rust-red villages, forests and rivers of northern Odisha, and trawled through reams of official records including from the environment, minerals, railways, and revenue departments. They met...
More »Lessons from drought in Marathwada
-Livemint.com Water availability has not deteriorated only because of the poor monsoon Amartya Sen showed in his seminal work on famines that mass starvation is not necessarily the result of inadequate food supply. He opened up new areas of inquiry that focussed on what have come to be known as entitlement failures. Sen has famously argued that human mistakes forced people into starvation in Bengal in 1943 even though food production in...
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