-The Indian Express New Delhi: In the Manmohan Singh PMO, the CPIO was K Salil Kumar and the First Appellate Authority was Krishna Kumar. Moments after Narendra Modi took oath on May 26, the Prime Minister's Office instantly launched a new version of its website http://www.pmindia.gov.in and http://www.pmindia.nic.in but 15 days later it's yet to disclose key details required under the Right to Information Act. These include: names of officers designated as Central Public Information...
Few takers for mobile-based applications for farmers in Gujarat -Vimukt Dave
-The Business Standard Rajkot (Gujarat): The Gujarat government has received lukewarm response from farmers for the mobile applications launched by it for providing them information related to agriculture. Hardly one percent farmers are using mobile applications in the state for receiving information from the government, according to state government and industry officials. The Gujarat government has so far launched around 20 mobile applications for passing on relevant agri-related information to farmers. Some...
More »Known Unknowns of RTI -Pankaj KP Shreyaskar
-Economic and Political Weekly After almost more than eight years of the Right to Information Act being in force, the process of accessing information still faces impediments. The flow of information is restricted either due to various public institutions not coming within the ambit of the Act or the information being exempt under various clauses of the Act. This article examines select judgments/orders of the Central Information Commission and the superior...
More »A great leap forward for agriculture -Bhavarlal H Jain
-The Hindu Business Line A set of technologies that deals with production and marketing constraints can work wonders Indian agriculture faces herculean challenges today; yet, the near- and the medium-term outlook on agriculture and agri-businesses seem bright. Growing urbanisation and changing food habits, malnutrition plus declining areas under foodgrain pose a big threat to food security. Agriculture and food production are strongly influenced by international trade, credit availability, development co-operation, climate change and environmental...
More »Investment in midwifery can save millions of lives of women and newborns
-WHO, UNFPA, International Confederation of Midwives PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - A report released today by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund together with the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), WHO and partners reveals that major deficits in the midwifery workforce occur in 73 countries where these services are most desperately needed. The report recommends new strategies to address these deficits and save millions of lives of women and newborns. The 73 African,...
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