-The Hindu The Delhi government stopped releasing yet another information on the COVID-19 outbreak in the city. The government on Thursday stopped sharing hospital-wise figures of COVID-19-related deaths in the city, in a daily health bulletin. The government spokesperson did not comment on the reason why the data is not provided. “The total number of deaths sent by hospitals is being Audited and it will be updated again once it is complete,”...
Choking the Lifeline of Rural Economy: MGNREGS during COVID-19 Lockdown -Manish Kumar
-Vikalp.ind.in When the entire country is under a lockdown and many economic activities stopped, thousands of unemployed workers are returning to their home states due to lack of money and food. In such a situation, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) could have played a very important role in generating income and demand in the economy. However, the official data available from the MGNREGS website of the Ministry...
More »Delhi govt. reports less COVID-19 deaths than hospitals
-The Hindu Administration denies allegations, says there is an Audit panel of doctors that probes and reports every death The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the city reported by the Delhi government is less than the number of deaths reported by just two city hospitals. While the government’s statement says 68 virus-related deaths have occurred in the Capital till Friday, the number of such deaths in just two city hospitals that The...
More »Audit of bigotry: How Indian media vilified Tablighi Jamaat over coronavirus outbreak -Ayan Sharma & Chahak Gupta
-Newslaundry.com Communal hatred, fake news, conspiracy theories, misinformation, misreporting. The coverage of the Nizamuddin congregation had it all. Having recovered from Covid-19, more than 200 followers of the Tablighi Jamaat are donating plasma to Delhi’s hospitals. Blood plasma containing antibodies against coronavirus from recovered patients is given to severely ill people to help them fight off the infection. It’s an experimental treatment known as convalescent plasma therapy. The donation by the Tablighis...
More »PM CARES Fund Won't Be Checked By Government's Auditor, Say Sources -Sunil Prabhu
-NDTV The Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF), which was set up in 1948, is not Audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) either. New Delhi: The Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations or PM CARES Fund, formed amid the coronavirus crisis to be a war chest for national crises, will not be Audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), sources told NDTV...
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