-TheWire.in A Bengal doctor has been suspended after he wrote a Facebook post on the dengue crisis. The case is similar to another doctor in Mumbai who was ‘raided’ for identifying totally-drug-resistant TB cases. Dr Arunachal Dutta Choudhury, a doctor of general medicine at the Barasat District Hospital in West Bengal, likes to write in verse. His Facebook wall is filled with his Bengali poems. His favourite form is the end rhymes,...
The end of secession: Why the elite withdrawal from public services is coming to an end -Rohini Nilekani
-The Times of India blog With the approaching winter the air quality in many Indian cities, especially in Delhi, becomes a public health hazard. Something so fundamental as breathing easy can no longer be taken for granted. It’s a wake-up call worthy of a civic revolution. For decades now those who could afford it (very much including this writer), have seceded from public services. The Indian elite send their children to expensive...
More »Jean Dreze, development economist, interviewed by Santwana Bhattacharya (The New Indian Express)
-The New Indian Express NEW DELHI: Amid controversial reports of hunger deaths in Jharkhand due to PDS beneficiaries being turned away, economist Jean Dreze says that even official records show that a significant proportion of people are being deprived of food rations every month. In an interview with New Sunday Express, the prime mover behind the NREGA welfare scheme said “this does not mean that Aadhaar is solely responsible for the failures...
More »Is the Government Planning to Dismantle the ICDS Programme? -Rashme Sehgal
-TheWire.in ICDS plays a vital role in a country which is home to 190 million undernourished people – the highest in the world. Is the government of India planning to dismantle the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, the world’s largest food security project? The ICDS is a unique outreach programme to meet the nutritional needs of ten crore Indian children under the age of six and to improve the nutrition levels of...
More »Making the most of the new industrial policy -Janak Nabar
-Livemint.com India’s new industrial policy is an opportunity to address the problems of low R&D spending and tough competition from cheap Chinese imports The framing of the new industrial policy should be seen as an opportunity to chart a meaningful path for industry’s role in India’s development. The recently released discussion paper by the department of industrial policy and promotion mentions two points that need to be examined closely to grasp the...
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