-The Telegraph Nisha Kumari, a Class VIII student in Uttar Pradesh, has taken her school to court because it charges fees her father cannot afford. The Dalit girl from Hathras district today petitioned Allahabad High Court to direct the government-run Girls’ Inter College in Sasni to stop charging her — or any other student — any fee till they reach Class IX. Else, Nisha’s petition said, she may have to drop out of...
Court orders fresh, nationwide survey to free bonded labourers -J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Not a single case of an offending employer being sent to jail Taking note of the National Human Rights Commission report that 2,780 cases involving about one lakh bonded labourers have been registered, the Supreme Court has ordered a fresh survey by the States to find out the total number of such people still to be rescued from employers. A Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Dipak Misra, disposing of a...
More »Send all kids working as servants to school: SC -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India If you have a domestic help below the age of 14 years, then the authorities may soon visit your house and send her to school. The Supreme Court on Monday ordered the central and state governments to conduct a countrywide drive to identify children below 14 years engaged as domestic helps and send them to school to fulfill the mandate of the Right to Education Act for their...
More »Child rights panel: devise code of conduct for private schools -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Flooded with complaints about denial of admission to disadvantaged children under the economically weaker section (EWS) category, the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has asked the education departments across to country to evolve a code of conduct to be followed stringently by the private schools and managements to ensure transparency in such admissions. The admission process should be clearly specified in the brochure, school website...
More »Finally, the will for the right ban-Enakshi Ganguly Thukral
-The Hindu The Cabinet decision to seek total prohibition of child labour is a step long overdue The Cabinet Committee has passed the proposal seeking a total ban on employing children under 14 years and of 14-18 year olds in hazardous occupations. When passed in Parliament as law, it will be a huge milestone in the journey that many of us had started in the mid-1980s. This also marks a milestone in...
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