-The Hindu It does not mention quantum of compensation or time of payment, says judge The singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011, came under the scrutiny of the Calcutta High Court on Friday, with Justice I.P. Mukerji saying it did not mention the quantum of compensation and the time of payment. The Tata Motors had argued that the Act was unclear on compensation. Clarification sought Seeking clarifications from Advocate-General Anindya Mitra on issues relating...
The land law and justice by Nitin Desai
The ever-energetic Jairam Ramesh has unveiled a new land acquisition policy for discussion. He has taken on the difficult task of changing an old law whose implementation has led to a sorry mess in Nandigram, singur and Noida, to mention only a few of the recent cases that have hit the headlines. India’s policy regime for managing land rights and land transactions is totally dysfunctional. Greedy politicians in state governments have...
More »singur case: West Bengal to begin arguments today by Ananya Dutta
On petition filed by Tata Motors challenging the Constitutional validity of the singur law The West Bengal government will commence its arguments on the petition filed by Tata Motors challenging the Constitutional validity of the singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act 2011 before the Calcutta High Court on Wednesday. West Bengal's Advocate General Anindya Mitra will begin his submissions before Justice I. P. Mukerji followed by other counsel on the government's panel. Apart...
More »Anna Hazare's so-called "second freedom struggle" raises questions by CL Manoj
Anna Hazare's so-called "second freedom struggle" raises questions, one, about how long the protests can be sustained, and, two, on the merits of the protesters' demands and methods. But before that, Team Anna should be given credit for reviving long-somnolent mass politics in this country, something beyond the Opposition that has been reduced to activism on the idiot box. It shows how much anti-government political space had been abandoned by the...
More »A good Bill that disappoints by Ramaswamy R Iyer
One started reading the new Draft National Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill 2011 with expectations of a great improvement over the 2007 Bills. There are indeed some very good features in the new Bill but, on the whole, one must regretfully report disappointment. Let us see how the Bill deals with some of the key issues involved. (i) Acquisition of agricultural land: The Bill rules out the acquisition, not...
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