-PTI Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit on Friday termed the "horrific assault" on the 23-year-old girl as "most painful" incident for her since she assumed the top post in the capital and said she personally favoured death penalty for rapists. She said she hated Delhi being called "rape capital" of India and stressed that "something concrete" must be done to instill confidence among women in the city against the growing fear of...
Govt announces judicial inquiry in rape case, penalty to be enhanced
-PTI Bowing to massive public protests over the gang rape of a young Delhi girl, the Central government on Saturday announced setting up of a judicial commission to probe the incident and to suggest measures for improving the safety of women and indicated that maximum penalty for rape could be enhanced to death. Disclosing the series of steps being taken by the government as public protests mounted in the capital, home minister...
More »Delhi gang-rape: Harsh punishment possible under law
-DNA Social networking sites are abuzz with the cry of death penalty for the accused of the Delhi gang rape case. However, the major sections applied in the case, which include 376 (2) (G) (gang rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 307 (attempt to murder) and 201 (destruction of evidence) read with 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code, will attract a maximum punishment of life imprisonment for the accused. The sessions court,...
More »The death of a small boy -Krishna Kumar
-The Hindu The Betul tragedy shows that the state does not consider emotional or intellectual maturity important in a person who teaches children Picture a small boy facing two adult men. They are furious over something they suspect he has done, so they start hitting him. They feel they have the authority to do so because they are teachers. The boy is absolutely helpless. It hardly matters for this picture whether he...
More »Areva closes in on key agreement for Jaitapur plant -Sandeep Dikshit
-The Hindu Unperturbed by protests against its proposed nuclear power plant in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, the French civil nuclear energy major Areva is now in the closing stages of striking an “early works agreement” with Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. This agreement, which is actually a series of studies to ensure that the reactor is in conformity with local conditions, is likely to take nine months. “Areva’s discussions with NPCIL are on....
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