Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has held a cabinet meeting to tackle spiralling food prices. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Home Minister P Chidambaram and Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar were among those at the talks in Delhi. The soaring price of vegetables, milk and other eatables in the past month have taken food inflation to 18.32% - the highest in more than a year. The agriculture minister has said the crisis is...
NAC won't give up on food security proposals by Smita Gupta
One more effort to make government reconsider objections The Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council (NAC) has decided to stick to its recommendations made on the draft National Food Security Bill at its meeting on October 23 last, though these have been rejected by a government committee led by C. Rangarajan, who heads the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council. The committee was constituted by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to examine the feasibility of...
More »High agri commodity prices a concern: FAO by Ajay Modi
Managing high agriculture commodity prices is becoming a concern for policy makers in India as well as globally. While Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has already warned of a ‘food price shock’, concerns are raised that this situation could worsen as various exporting countries could consider restrictions which will further create supply bottlenecks. As global food prices hit a record high, India just trails behind with food inflation touching a 23-week...
More »Govt raises APL foodgrain prices by over 40 per cent by Ravish Tiwari
In a major decision that is likely to add to the double-digit food inflation, the government has quietly raised foodgrain prices for Above Poverty Line (APL) families by over 40 per cent. The decision to this effect was taken at the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on December 30. “The Committee considered the note dated 04/10/2010 from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs,...
More »Food Price Inflation worries India
India's food prices have increased significantly over the weekend, leaving customers and shopkeepers extremely worried. Reuters reports the price of onions in particular has peaked. Onions are currently selling between Rs 70-80 per kilogram ($AU1.56- $AU1.78), after being worth Rs 45 ($AU1) only a few days ago. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) reports food inflation climbed nearly to a year's high of 18.32 per cent on December...
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