-The Hindu Details have also been sought on how the States propose to implement new plans for women's safety that can be financed by the Rs. 1,000-crore Nirbhaya Fund. The States and Union Territories that have failed to put in place steps to make public transport systems safe for women will not be eligible for getting their quota of new buses under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the Union...
India confronts the politics of the toilet- Chandrahas Choudhury
-Live Mint/ Bloomberg As much as better policies and better tax system, it's the humble toilet that can be an engine of future Indian growth On Tuesday, the United Nations marked its inaugural World Toilet Day, designed to draw attention to the fact that more than one-sixth of humanity still lacks indoor sanitation, and that the world needs new ideas and technologies to deal with one of the most basic...
More »Learning by doing-Vijayendra Rao
-The Indian Express For several decades now, the Indian government and a variety of donor agencies have promoted and implemented "livelihoods projects". These projects depend upon women's self-help groups, or SHGs, to raise living standards - particularly of the 25 crore rural poor. In 2011, the Indian government launched the Rs 38,000 crore National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), also known as Ajeevika (reportedly now being merged with the Mahatma Gandhi National...
More »Losses from extreme weather quadrupled in 30 years as climate warms -Nivedita Khandekar
-The Hindustan Times 2.5 million people have died in last 30 years due to natural disasters and global economic losses caused by extreme weather events have risen to just under $200 billion a year over the last decade, a report by the World Bank showed on Monday. As the global climate continues to change, the costs and damages from extreme weather related to warming planet are growing and while all countries...
More »At UN meeting, experts stress need to rethink food systems to improve nutrition
-The United Nations Food systems will need to change significantly to tackle severe nutrition problems that currently afflict more than half of the world's population, experts told a United Nations meeting in Rome today. "It is clear that the ways in which food is managed today are failing to result in sufficient improvements in nutrition. The most shocking fact is that over 840 million people still suffer from hunger today, despite the...
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