-The Times of India The education department on Thursday slapped a show-cause notice to Sofia Senior Secondary Girls' School for violating norms under the Right to Education (RTE) Act. The show-cause notice was served after the department investigated complaints of a parent who said many girls studying below Class VIII were not promoted to the next class. The department found the complaints to be true but the school said saying parents of...
Deoband: talaq given in a state of drunkenness valid-Atiq Khan
After 3 talaqs, woman becomes illegal for husband Darul Uloom Deoband has ruled that talaq (divorce) given in a state of drunkenness is valid. A fatwa to this effect was issued by Darul Ifta (Fatwa Department) of the Islamic seminary on March 13. The ruling was issued on a question from a concerned brother on February 21, 2012. He wanted to know from Darul Ifta about the fate of his sister's marriage...
More »For Indian Women, Divorce Is a Raw Deal by Pamposh Raina
Much has been written about divorce being on the rise in India, sometimes accompanied by hand-wringing about the egos and inflexibility of younger couples, who seem less willing than their parents to stay in marriages they are not happy with. National statistics don’t exist on divorce in India, but some local records do show a rise. Still, some experts say the divorce rate in India continues to be artificially low, because...
More »Record sum allocated to school education-Meera Srinivasan
Free uniform and notebooks; compulsory for schools to reserve 25% seats for children from poor sections The State Budget gives a major boost to school education, with the government earmarking a record sum of Rs.14,553 crore for it — the highest ever allocation made to any department in Tamil Nadu. The school education department will also focus on increasing enrolments and arresting drop-out rates, Finance Minister O. Panneerselvam told the Assembly...
More »Harvesters of nutrition-Pamela Philipose
Travelling in rural India always yields rich insights into how poor women struggle to provide that little extra, in terms of food, for the family meal. It was in the village of Vijaypura – in the drought prone Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh – that I came across Bharati, a 39-year-old farm woman and homemaker, working her everyday magic by laying out slices of potato and whole green chillies on the...
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