-Scroll.in Madhya Pradesh has added garlic to its price deficit payment scheme while Rajasthan has decided to procure the crop. Last year, Bunty Rawal planted garlic on six acres of his land in Khardabad village in Rajasthan’s Kota district. He reckoned it was a good decision. High quality garlic was selling for around Rs 12,000 a quintal at the time, he said. However, he managed to make only around Rs 5,000 as...
Health and poverty
-The Hindu Business Line The Ayushman Bharat programme must aim to reverse poverty caused by healthcare expenses The state of India’s healthcare system is somewhat dichotomous — the country is a global supplier of life-saving, affordable and good quality generic medicines, yet lakhs of families are driven into poverty because they are forced to spend much of their earnings and savings on medications to treat chronic and life-threatening diseases. The poor, particularly,...
More »Centre hikes import duty on crude, refined soft edible oils
-The Hindu Business Line Palm oil imports slow down in May Bengaluru/ Ahmedabad: The Centre has increased the import duty on crude and refined soft edible oils such as soy oil, sunflower oil and rapeseed on Thursday. Duty on crude soft edible oils has been hiked to 35 per cent and on and soft oils to 45 per cent. Earlier, crude soy oil attracted an import duty of 30 per cent, and sunflower...
More »Data Jugglery: Agri Achievements of Yogi in UP? -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in A fact check reveals the reality behind jaw dropping ‘achievements’ claimed by the BJP govt. in UP in full front-page ads in national dailies. On 13 June, Yogi Adityanath’s BJP govt. of Uttar Pradesh issued costly full page advertisements in national dailies with a slew of claims about how agriculture in the state has achieved unprecedented heights under the one-year old govt. the ads, adorned with smiling faces of Prime Minister...
More »The Age of Surplus -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express We have, indeed, entered a regime of “permanent surpluses” in most crops — a reality our policymakers are unable to grasp, stuck as they are in the era of the Essential Commodities Act. If there is one thing that has changed in Indian agriculture in recent times, it is supply response — the ability of farmers to increase production when prices go up. Traditionally, the supply curve in most...
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