-The Hindu Minister of State for Power (Independent Charge) Jyotirditya Scindia on Tuesday said the government was making efforts to fast-track nearly 95 hydro power projects with a capacity of 40,000 MW to give a big push to the power sector. The projects are awaiting clearances from different authorities, including Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Central Water Commission (CWC) and Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). "We are fast-tracking each and every...
CM sows what Buddha couldn’t reap -Pranesh Sarkar
-The Telegraph Kolkata: The Mamata Banerjee government today announced a scheme to allow big private investors to directly procure farm produce - a segment that Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee could not liberate from the stranglehold of the Forward Bloc. The scheme titled Brihat Krishak Bazar Yojana, which loosely translates into mega farmer market programme, seeks to "connect the local market to high-growth demand centres" and weed out middlemen. The project will allow private developers to...
More »Over 250 projects worth Rs 11 lakh crore queue up for fast-track clearance by PM-backed cell -Vikas Dhoot
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's drive to revive investor sentiment by fast-tracking large stalled projects through the CABinet Committee on Investments (CCI) and a special cell under it is encouraging Indian companies as well as big foreign investors such as Shell, Cairn India and Dell to knock on the government's door for urgent help. Over 250 projects worth Rs 11 lakh crore are now being considered by the...
More »Karunanidhi counters Jaya on price of rice
-The Times of India CHENNAI: A day after TN chief minister J Jayalalithaa rubbished his claim that rice would continue to be supplied to Above Poverty Line (APL) category of people at the old rate of 8.30/kg under the food security bill, DMK chief M Karunanidhi said the Union had given an assurance in this regard in Parliament and the CABinet has also accepted it. Jayalalithaa had said the Centre's assurance of...
More »Treatment abroad: Government to reimburse the total cost incurred by bureaucrats -Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: An ailing economy and an emerging destination for medical tourism, India has just made it easier for its bureaucrats and their immediate family members to fly abroad for treatment at the government's expense. The Centre has decided to reimburse the total cost of treatment abroad as well as fund the return airfare for IAS, IPS and IFS officers, changing the 30-year-old rules at a time the government...
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