-The Hindu On an average, rural and urban households own assets worth Rs.10 lakh and Rs.23 lakh respectively. The average asset holding of the bottom 10 per cent of urban Indian households is around Rs. 291, new data from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) show. Most households reported owning some kind of physical or financial assets, the survey, conducted in 2012-13 and made public on Friday, shows. On an average, rural and...
To curb graft, tendering of railway deals to go online -Mahendra K Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Dreaded gangster Sriprakash Shukla built his criminal empire on illegal money earned from railway contracts worth crores in places with big railway establishments like Gorakhpur and Banaras. But this could be a thing of the past as the state-run transporter is set to start online tendering of all contracts related to civil works within a month's time. Contracts for civil works worth around Rs 30,000 to...
More »Rural India too battles hypertension -Roli Srivastava & Rukmini S
-The Hindu Obesity and diabetes cases increase in urban areas; experts blame it on stress and faulty diet. Higher stress levels in rural India and faulty diet in Cities have thrown up two most disturbing health concerns in the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), the data for which was released on Wednesday. While obesity levels have shot up in the country since the last NFHS survey in 2005-06, the number of people...
More »Sop on sale of compost made up of waste
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Pushing its mission of converting "waste to wealth", the government on Wednesday approved the proposal to provide financial incentive of Rs 1,500 per tonne on the sale of compost made from municipal waste. The Cabinet also made it mandatory for power discoms to buy 100% power generated from municipal waste. These decisions aim at reducing the pile up of solid waste in Cities aggravating the problem...
More »Yes, Delhi, it worked -Michael Greenstone, Santosh Harish, Anant Sudarshan and Rohini Pande
-The Indian Express The odd-even pilot reduced hourly particulate air pollution concentrations by 10-13 per cent. But for the longer run, a congestion-pricing programme may be better Delhi’s ambitious odd-even pilot experiment to reduce the number of cars on the road, and pollution in the air, has come to an end — at least for now. But the question remains: Was it successful? Answering this question is challenging. Air pollution data is...
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