The commission plans to file several cases under the SC & ST Act The battle of Bhatta-Parsaul in Uttar Pradesh's Greater NOIDA area, where violence raged recently over the contentious issue of land acquisition, promises to get bigger. On Thursday, the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes decided to summon the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police of Gautam Budh Nagar district, where the twin villages are located, to seek a...
Fight for land by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
In Greater Noida, farmers resist fiercely attempts to take over their land for the Yamuna expressway and a hi-tech city. IT is a tale of two worlds, one in the present and the other in the future; one living and breathing and toiling away in parts of the National Capital Region and the other beautifully blueprinted and waiting to be willed into reality by the government and its elites in...
More »Posco land acquisition runs into hurdles again by Prafulla Das
The land acquisition for the proposed mega steel project of Posco in Orissa's Jagatsinghpur district has been postponed following stiff resistance from villagers supporting as well as opposing the venture. The State Government had to stop the land acquisition work on Friday after the villagers supporting the venture protested, demanding that the process be completely stopped till their six-point demands are met. As many as 33 members of the United Action Committee...
More »UP farmers' stir: Sachin Pilot arrested on his way to Greater Noida, released
-PTI Congress leader and Union minister Sachin Pilot was on Sunday arrested and then released by Uttar Pradesh Police while he was on his way to violence-hit Bhatta-Parsaul to meet families of farmers injured in the recent agitation on land acquisition. Union minister of state for information technology Pilot, along with around 100 supporters, first went to Dasna jail to meet farmers from Bhatta and Parsaul villages lodged there since the...
More »PM announces compensation for injured in Greater Noida protests
-PTI Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday announced a financial assistance of Rs 50,000 to those seriously injured and Rs 10,000 for people who suffered minor injuries during violence at Bhatta Parsaul villages in Greater Noida recently. A statement issued by the PMO said the Prime Minister has announced the financial assistance for farmers and their family members injured during the recent incidents at Bhatta Parsaul and other areas in Gautam...
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