-The Times of India The Supreme Court, which relentlessly strove to bring to book perpetrators of the fake encounter killings of Sohrabuddin and Tulsiram Prajapati in Gujarat, has an explosive situation on its hands as the National human rights Commission informed it that 191 fake encounter killings took place in the country in the last five years. Appalled by the attitude of the Manipur government in responding to over 1,500 alleged fake...
This is not the dawn we dreamt of -Syeda Hameed
-The Hindustan Times The recent arrest of two young girls in Maharashtra - Shaheen Dhada and Rinu Srinivasan - for posting and liking a Facebook comment questioning the shutdown in Mumbai for Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray's funeral reminded me of an incident that happened a few years after Independence and Partition. It was 1952 and I was playing in a neighbourhood park when some children coerced me into telling them my name....
More »Trafficked maids to order: The darker side of richer India
-CNN-IBN Inside the crumbling housing estates of Shivaji Enclave, amid the boys playing cricket and housewives chatting from their balconies, winding staircases lead to places where lies a darker side to India's economic boom. Three months ago, police rescued Theresa Kerketa from one of these tiny two-roomed flats. For four years, she was kept here by a placement agency for domestic maids, in between stints as a virtual slave to Delhi's...
More »Activists hit out against ‘encounter’ killings -Walter Scott
-The Hindu NHRC has objected to registration of attempt to murder case Sivaganga: human rights activists decried the killing of the two accused in the Sub-Inspector Alwin Sudhan murder case in an ‘encounter’ near Manamadurai on Friday night even as the local Judicial Magistrate launched an enquiry on Saturday. The police claim that they shot dead Prabu and Bharathi at Theethanpettai when they attempted to escape while being brought from Madurai Central Prison...
More »India ranks 78th in guaranteeing access to civil justice; Lanka outperforms S Asian peers
-The Indian Express India ranks 78th among 97 countries in guaranteeing access to all civil justice, a latest report released today said, while its neighbouring country Sri Lanka leads the South Asian nations in most dimensions of the rule of law. The 'Rule of Law Index 2012' report by World Justice Project's provides country-by-country scores and rankings for eight areas of the rule of law. India, the report said, has a robust system...
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