-The Hindu Adding a new twist to the farmers' protest in which three persons were killed on Tuesday near Pune, Maharashtra Home Minister R.R. Patil told the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday that first there was private firing from an Indigo or Indica car and that person fled after injuring a local. The injured person filed a police complaint and pieces of the bullet were found and sent for examination, he...
In no man's land by Vikhar Ahmed Sayeed
Karnataka: The report of the Task Force on encroachment of government land is likely to suffer a silent death. IT was clear to V. Balasubramanian, the Chairman of the Task Force for Recovery of Public Land and its Protection, when he submitted his report on encroachment of government land that it would ruffle quite a few feathers in the political and bureaucratic echelons of Karnataka. What he was unprepared for...
More »Minister glare on land given to forest minders by Basant Kumar Mohanty
State governments have awarded illegal title deeds for 1.3 lakh acres of forestland, misusing the very provisions of a 2006 law enacted to safeguard tribals’ and other forest dwellers’ rights over their land. The charge comes from the new Union minister for tribal affairs, K.C. Deo, who says the states “misinterpreted” the law and ended up giving title deeds not only to forest dwellers but also to forest officials. “We are going...
More »The Wanton Sins Of The Soil by Lola Nayar
Bellary is only the tip of the rotting earthmound. Can a new proposed legislation clear the air? Two years ago, when the ministry of mines decided to use satellite imaging to survey projects, it unearthed several “unusual activities” across the country. “The amount of mining done and material being exported didn’t match in areas where certain companies had been given licences,” recounts a former senior bureaucrat with the mines ministry....
More »“Legislation alone might not check graft”
-The Hindu Anti-graft legislation has to be backed by a concerted people's movement to effectively check the escalation of corruption in a neo-liberal regime, economist Prabhat Patnaik said on Friday. Delivering the W.R. Varadarajan Memorial lecture on “Neo-liberalism and corruption” organised by the Indian School of Social Sciences, Mr. Patnaik said the move to a neo-liberal regime, which, it was believed, would get rid of corruption, had actually expanded the scope...
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