-The Hindu Six of them are in Tamil Nadu and one each in Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha India has added 10 more Ramsar sites, or wetlands that are of international importance, taking the number of such sites to 64, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav said on Wednesday. “Absolutely thrilled to inform that 10 more Indian wetlands have got Ramsar recognition as wetlands of international importance,” Mr. Yadav tweeted. The 10 new sites —...
Crop diversification promotion scheme launched in MP; focus on natural farming -Sravani Sarkar
-TheWeek.in Efforts on to substitute wheat and paddy crops with other market-driven crops Madhya Pradesh government launched a crop diversification promotion scheme with focus on natural farming and on substituting wheat and paddy crops with other crops that are suitable for local climate and are market driven. The crop diversification scheme has been launched for three years starting the current financial year (2022-23), to encourage demand-based crop diversification, keeping in mind the economic...
More »What does 5 yrs of school give? 1960s-born Indian women learnt more than 1990s kids, says study -Nikhil Rampal
-ThePrint.in Women born in 1960s with 5 years of schooling almost 100% literate, while figure was around 40% for 90s-born women, says working paper by US-based Center for Global Development. New Delhi: There’s no doubt that India has made immense progress in its literacy rate, which rose from about 14 per cent at the time of Independence to 74 per cent in the 2011 census. But, has the quality of school education...
More »Poor monsoon does not always translate to high inflation
-Moneycontrol.com Here is a counterintuitive set of data, which indicates a decoupling of rains and inflation With the monsoon delayed in June and being unevenly distributed in July, everyone has been worrying about a fall in food production and resultant inflation. After all, we keep hearing that India’s agriculture is mostly rainfed. Then, the reasoning goes like this–poor rains equals poor harvest equals high inflation. But does poor rains really cause inflation? Here is a...
More »Making sense of the ‘freebies’ issue -Dipa Sinha
-The Hindu Most welfare schemes contribute to improving human development outcomes, also resulting in higher growth Concern over ‘freebies’ in Indian politics has recently been expressed by those in the highest offices in the country. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the Bundelkhand Expressway (Uttar Pradesh) on July 16, Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned youth not to get carried away by the ‘revari culture’, where votes are sought by promising ‘freebies’. He...
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