-The Hindu The UPA government hopes to pass a slew of anti-graft laws, Congress sources said, next month along with the mandatory Vote-on-Account when the 15th Lok Sabha meets for the last time for a fortnight, ahead of general elections slated for April/ May. The Congress's confidence, party sources said, hinges on the fact that the Bharatiya Janata Party - shaken by the success of the Aam Aadmi Party that has...
Paradox of Poverty amid Plenty -Jaswant Kaur
-The New Indian Express Most people would have been shocked to read the year-end report that India has been ranked 63rd, much below countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, on the Global Hunger Index (GHI), a yardstick used by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to comprehensively measure global hunger. The index is calculated as an average of three indices-undernourishment, underweight children and low child mortality rate-and is measured on a...
More »Rural sanitation works included under MGNREGS-Girija Shivakumar
-The Hindu India is the world's largest open air lavatory with over 620 million people practising open defecation in the country. Seeking to address this persisting problem, the UPA government has widened the scope of its flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to include works relating to rural sanitation in collaboration with the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan (NBA) Scheme. This interlinking is aimed at strengthening the base of rural...
More »UPA strangling anti-graft law -Saikat Datta
-The Hindustan Times Strengthened by Rajiv Gandhi in 1988, the Prevention of Corruption Act (PC Act) is set to be rendered toothless by the Manmohan Singh government. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), headed by the PM, introduced an amended version of the Act in Parliament late last year. If the amendments are passed, it may be impossible to investigate and prosecute cases similar to the 2G, Bofors and coal allocation...
More »Court order to set up green regulator
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court today overruled the Centre and directed it to set up a national regulator to deal with the mandatory environmental impact assessment processes for forest-related projects that can range from mining to industrial ventures. The implications of such a watchdog for industry were not immediately clear in the absence of specific modalities but a clearance logjam blamed on the environment ministry was seen as one of...
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