-The Telegraph New Delhi: The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has ordered the Uttar Pradesh government to pay Rs 1 lakh as compensation to the family of a tribal maidservant from Jharkhand, whose body was found hanging at her employer's Kaushambi home in Ghaziabad this June. The commission issued this directive after a detailed hearing of the case in which senior officials of Jharkhand state anti-trafficking unit and UP...
Dangers of letting cars dictate city design-Anumita Roychowdhury
-Down to Earth If any other cause was responsible for so many deaths and injuries as we see on our roads it would have been a state of emergency Sunita Narain-our colleague and friend-was seriously injured in an accident while cycling yesterday. A car hit her and fled. This cruel act of crime and heartlessness could have shattered our faith in humanity had it not been for the kind act of the...
More »'Cyclists account for over half of all road fatalities'
-The Hindu Number of people killed in accidents up 8% annually in past decade: Study New Delhi: "Cyclists and pedestrians account for more than half of all road fatalities in the country, but they draw public disdain and policy hostility," a study by the University of Michigan and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, has observed. The study also indicates that the number of people killed in road accidents in India have increased...
More »West Bengal: Saradha scam worth Rs 2,460 crore, report says
-PTI NEW DELHI: The alleged chit fund scam in West Bengal involving the Saradha Group revolves around a total sum of Rs 2,460 crore with 80 per cent of the depositors' monies still remaining unpaid, a latest investigation report has revealed. The report also states that the arrested Saradha chairman Sudipta Sen was in "total control" of all deposits made by his group companies, which are under the scanner for having perpetrated...
More »Headlines Today cameras capture trucks diverting PDS wheat meant for Delhi's poor to private flour mills -Harish Sharma and Arun Singh
-India Today The UPA government and the Congress leadership might be patting themselves on the back talking big about the recently passed Food Security Bill, but their promises look far from delivery given the existing state of Public Distribution System (PDS). In a sting operation carried out by Headlines Today special investigation team, hidden cameras caught the pilferage of grain meant for distribution among the national capital's poor people under the PDS....
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