-Outlook Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today launched Rajiv Gandhi Ann Yojana under the Food Security Scheme in the state. Of the state's 68 lakh population, about 37 lakh would be benefited by the scheme, Singh said after handing over ration bags to 104-year-old Mast Ram and Vidya Devi (70) of Sunni area of the district at a function at Ridge maidan here. Beneficiaries under the scheme would get three kgs...
Sonia Launches Food Security Scheme in Mizoram
-Outlook Aizawl: UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi today formally launched the Food Security Scheme at a public rally here for Mizoram and said it would cater to the needs of lakhs of poor people in the country. The scheme would ensure that lakhs of malnourished and hungry people would now be able to avail food at an extremely low price in the country, Gandhi told the public rally. The AICC President lauded the Lal...
More »Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen questions relevance of Minority Affairs Ministry -Nistula Hebbar
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The UPA Government claims it to be one of its signature achievements, but noted academic and Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen has all but questioned its relevance and, therefore, its existence. Sen, a former economics professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the Ministry of Minority Affairs, a showpiece in the Congress-led UPA's list of minority friendly moves, had achieved very little. "I am not in favour...
More »Manmade famine kills mother, child -Vishvendu Jaipuriar
-The Telegraph Hazaribagh: A 40-year-old mother of two died of starvation at Hazaribagh Sadar Hospital this morning, two days after her daughter died of the same reason at their village home 7km from district headquarters, in a country where National Food Security Bill, 2013, received Presidential assent on September 10. Despite so-called safety nets - existing flagship welfare provisions such as BPL card, MGNREGS and a host of other subsidy, pension, assistance,...
More »Schemes for minorities being cornered by non-Muslims: Report -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Even as minority politics takes centrestage in the wake of recent riots in Uttar Pradesh, a report by the Council for Social Development shows how the UPA Government has failed to implement the recommendations of the Sachar Committee, with its response to Muslim deprivation at best being "cautious and minimalist". The report said most of the benefits intended for minorities were being cornered by either...
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