-The Hindu Data show that 16 States (including Union Territories) faced a shortage while 18 States had sufficient or excess of blood units. India faced a 10 per cent shortage in its estimated blood requirement in 2015-16, an improvement from the 17 per cent shortfall reported in 2013-14, government data says. The estimated requirement is around 1.2 crore units per annum. In 2015-16, blood collection through various sources, including blood donation camps, was...
From plate to plough: The arhar challenge - Ashok Gulati & Smriti Verma
-The Indian Express The incentive structure, currently skewed in favour of rice and wheat, needs to become crop-neutral High prices of pulses are upsetting the food budget of many poor families. Soaring retail prices of dals — urad at Rs. 170/kg, tur/arhar at Rs160/kg, gram/chickpea at Rs 127/kg, moong at Rs 111/kg and masoor at Rs 100/kg — have made dal a luxury for the dal-bhaat and dal-roti eating population. But not...
More »Down memory lane: Forest Rights Act yet to achieve major milestones -G Seetharaman
-The Economic Times The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers Act (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, or the Forest Rights Act (FRA), is among India's most important legislation since 2005, along with the Right to Information Act and the Right to Education Act. FRA, which was passed in parliament in December 2006 and which became operational in January 2008, recognises the rights of forest dwellers, including Scheduled Tribes and others,...
More »Post-1991, inequality has widened: Ramesh
-The Hindu India's achievements in education were mixed, says the Congress MP. Chennai: The economic reforms that started in 1991 have helped cut poverty significantly even as inequality has widened appreciably, said Jairam Ramesh, Member of parliament, and author of a book To the Brink and Back: India’s 1991 Story. “Poverty has declined significantly since 1991 while inequality has gone up during the same period. Inequality has become sharper; it has become worse....
More »CAG picks holes in coal auctions -Anupam Chakravartty
-Down to Earth The report highlights that there are inaccuracies and inconsistencies in valuation of auctioned mines In a report tabled in the monsoon session of the parliament, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India states that despite auctions, multiple bids by corporate groups through joint ventures or subsidiaries did not ensure that potential level of competition had been achieved in the first two tranches. The report highlights that there are...
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