-The Hindu High spending on medicines and health will push many Indians below the poverty line, the World Health Organisation has cautioned. “Due to the out-of-pocket spending of their income on medicines and healthcare services, about 3.2 per cent of India's population will come below the poverty line,” a senior WHO official said at a meet organised by the Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs (DSPRUD) and WHO on...
One in five Indians hit by diabetes and high blood pressure: Report
-The Times of India One in every five Indian adults living in urban cities suffers not only from hypertension but also diabetes. In Maharashtra, more disturbingly, one in three persons is struck by the twin epidemic. These are some of the highlights of India's largest clinic-based survey to assess the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension. The findings of the study, called Screening India's Twin Epidemic (SITE), were announced on Monday in...
More »Self-regulation is no regulation, says Katju
—PTI Dismissive of the news broadcast industry's self-regulatory mechanism, Press Council of India Chairman Justice Markandey Katju has said if TV channels do not want to come under the PCI they should choose another body like the Lokpal. “Self-regulation is no regulation and news organisations are private bodies whose activities have a large influence on the public and they also must be answerable to the public,” he said. On Sunday, Justice Katju wrote...
More »Justice Markandey Katju on the role of media in India
-The Hindu Justice Markandey Katju, Chairman, Press Council of India, argues that the media has a very important role to play in helping the country make the transition from an old feudal society to a modern industrial one quickly, and without much pain. The Role the Media should be playing in India by Justice Markandey Katju, (former Judge, Supreme Court of India), Chairman, Press Council of India To understand the role which...
More »Hospitals in UP to have dedicated ward for Encephalitis
-The Hindu Criticised for not doing enough to tackle the spread of Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) in parts of eastern Uttar Pradesh, where hundreds of children die or are disabled every year, the Centre has now approved the setting up of dedicated wards in seven hospitals in the districts worst affected by the deadly infection. Recognising the need for strengthening the efforts for improving the performance of the...
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