-The Indian Express While the BJP and the Left have been objecting to allowing FDI in retail, ally DMK’s stand could spell trouble for the government. However, there’s some relief in sight with Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee hinting that she is open to discussions on the issue. A few hours before the Union Cabinet cleared FDI in retail, Banerjee indicated that her party was open to discussions on the matter, without...
Barefoot-An unfinished agenda by Harsh Mander
We have five million children in the labour market, say official figures. Their actual numbers may be four times as many. As a nation, we have failed each one of them… Millions of our children still labour today, in factories, farms, kilns, mines, homes and city waste dumps, when they should be in school or in a playground. We profoundly fail these children, collectively depriving them of education, play, rest, healthy...
More »Reviving Universal PDS: A Step Towards Food Security by Suranjita Ray
An unprecedented economic growth during the last decade has also seen increasing malnutrition, hunger and starvation amongst certain sections of society. India ranks 66 in the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO’s) World Hunger Index of 88 countries (Inter-national Food Policy Research Institute). More than 200 million people in this country are denied the right to food. One-third of all underweight children (57 million) in the world due to lack of...
More »Farm workers still get a raw deal by Jasvir Singh
The state has done precious little to improve the lot of agriculture workers. Agricultural wage workers (AWW) earn their livelihood by working for wages in the agriculture sector. In India, AWWs are the second largest group of all workers, after owner-cultivators or farmers. Of the workforce of 402 million, AWWs are at least 110 million. Wage work in the agriculture sector has always been considered a low-status occupation in India, as agriculture...
More »Where does the money spent by Maharashtra on NREGS go? by Mahesh Vijapurkar
Poor spending on NREGS by Maharashtra - only Rs351 crore out of Rs668 crore - can be seen in two ways. One, apathy towards the poor and carelessness, and two, less money spent means less money stolen. All employment schemes are seen as doles, work is faked, ghosts are paid and the bucks swallowed by the establishment - politicians to petty bureaucrats - with the poor guy in the boondocks...
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