-Down to Earth The workers reportedly began their journey on March 23, 2020, with some accompanied by their wives, children Thousands of migrant workers in Gujarat are undertaking long journeys to their native villages on foot. The workers, mostly tribals, travelled upwards of 250 kilometres, in the absence of public transport. Migrant workers are forced to take this step after the Union government initiated a janata (people’s) curfew and subsequently, a 21-day...
"15,000 Ltrs Milk, 10,000 kg Veg Dumped": E-Tailers Allege Police Attacks - Rishika Baruah & Divyanshu Dutta Roy
-NDTV Coronavirus India Lockdown: Across India, there have been reports of grocery, medicine and food delivery agents being abused and assaulted by policemen. New Delhi: E-commerce companies delivering essentials like groceries, medicines and food are facing attacks and harassment from law enforcement officials and security guards, leading to severe inconvenience in times of an unprecedented crisis, online retailers have said, calling for an urgent intervention from the government. A huge amount of...
More »Covid-19: An emergency economic manifesto -Yamini Aiyar and Mekhala Krishnamurthy
-Hindustan Times To prevent distress, the State must manage the movement of people, food, money, schemes India is now in a Lockdown. Whether this Lockdown saves us from the dangers of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) or not is a question that will be answered in the future. But there is absolutely no doubt that the economy is suffering, and will continue to suffer enormously, putting millions of Indians in serious danger. The...
More »Covid-19: What can be done immediately to help vulnerable population -Reetika Khera
-IdeasforIndia.in With over 80% of India’s workforce employed in the informal sector and one-third working as casual labour, Covid-19's spread and subsequent unplanned Lockdowns, have created economic havoc in the lives of millions. In this post, Reetika Khera puts forward suggestions on what can be done to help people immediately, ranging from cash and in-kind assistance to special measures for migrants in urban areas and urgent health-related measures. The spread of the...
More »Civil society group asks for social safety measures for migrant and informal workers from Jharkhand against the backdrop of coronavirus Lockdown
-Press release by Jharkhand Janadhikar Mahasabha dated by 25th March, 2020 Jharkhand, like most of India, has woken up late to the COVID-19 pandemic and is yet to provide adequate social security to the people. Although no COVID-19 case has been officially reported in Jharkhand so far, this may be a myth since the state has only one testing centre where only a few dozen samples have been tested, according to...
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